Home Dyer Essentials Kit

To save you the trouble of doing a bunch of shopping, I've put together an Essentials Kit, with everything you'll need for the Become a Home Natural Dyer Workshop.

As part of the Workshop, I'll share where to buy more supplies and how to ensure you're getting a good deal on quality materials.

Included in the Dyer's Essentials Kit:
  • a piece of 100% Silk Habotai for test pieces
  • A special marking pen
  • Alum (KAlSO4)
  • Oak Gall Tannin
  • FeSO4
  • Soda Ash
The Current class is just starting, so sign up TODAY and join the fun! It is self-paced, so you can easily catch up...

Workshop starts May 12, 2022

Get first dibs and priority pricing when you Join my Workshops email list!

PS: Check out my website's new section - Featuring Natural Materials! This section is live now, and includes Workshop Materials! I'll be adding more to it as I get things photographed. Stay tuned.

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